We are proud to announce we have recently invested in another CEMB balancing machine. This is a smaller balancing machine, in comparison to our ZB2000. Investing in this equipment will allow us to balance smaller rotors easily and more accurately.

The ZB20/TCN/GV CEMB balancing machine implemented in our Electro-mechanical workshop has the capability to re-balance rotors up to 20KG. Built to provide precision and outstanding balancing capabilities, this machinery asset can feel any vibration within the rotor, due to being compact. This allows Neutronic to provide re-balancing to all small-sized motors.
What Machinery Assets Can be Rebalanced?
Rotors within a motor can be rebalanced on this machine. As part of the Electro-Mechanical repair Neutronic service, we rebalance every motor repair which is sent to our workshop. We understand this is a critical part of the repair to prolong the longevity of the motor, and minimise the need for replacements.
Benefits of Rebalancing Rotors
There are many benefits to why rebalancing rotors is important and a critical part of the repair, as stated below:
1) Reduction in Noise and Vibration. Noise and vibrations are both signs of a fault within machinery. Vibration within a rotor can be generated from loose connections, misalignment or internal damage. It is crucial for an engineer to take a look if your motor is vibration or making a noise.
2) Increase Reliability. If a motor is regularly balanced, this can improve the reliability of the asset, and unexpected breakdowns are less likely. It helps reduce long-term internal damage.
3) Improved Efficiency. Bearings and internal components will become damaged, if weight is uneven on a motors shaft. A correctly balanced motor allows the load to be evenly distributed and run efficiently.
4) Reduction in Maintenance Costs. If a motor is regularly re-balanced, it is likely to experience fewer mechanical breakdowns and will require less maintenance cost.
At Neutronic, we understand Reliability, Efficiency and Time is important to all of our customers which is why we quote re-balancing as part of each repair. This will allow you to have confidence that your machinery asset is correctly aligned it machining at maximum efficiency and low likelihood of unexpected breakdowns. Contact Neutronic today to book in your asset for re-balancing, Email now!